Welcoming Natural Cycles

Life is not linear. As much as we would like to make predictable plans and schedule out the next year or even the next decade—life just does not work that way. Instead, what many of us discover is that life tends to move in cycles. Over time, we can start to notice and accept these cycles as they move and spiral through our lives. In fact, we can even learn how to welcome these natural cycles instead of trying to resist, steer, and eradicate them. Whether it is with our child or children, or with ourselves, there are natural cycles … Continue reading

Things Tend to Move in Cycles

One of the realities of family life, relationships, and parenting that doesn’t often get coverage is that things tend to move in cycles. This can be reassuring when we remind ourselves that nothing goes on indefinitely and our children will move out of phases just as they moved into them! Sometimes, instead of getting all embroiled in the latest crisis–all we have to do is wait it out and soon the wheel has turned and we’ve moved into something else. This is where a healthy dose of detachment and perspective can come in handy. Now, I am not saying that … Continue reading

Expect Business Cycles

Business is not linear; it is not a matter of marching steps from A to B to C. I know that it may seem like the business world should be all about numbers and charts and spreadsheets, but the fact is, your business and your industry has cycles and a tendency to be up and down and unpredictable—just like other aspects of this human life! We can get lulled into expecting a perpetual upward trajectory for our business because it tends to seem that way in the beginning of starting a business. After all, we are starting from zero and … Continue reading

25 Ways to Entertain Your Baby

“I can’t keep this kid entertained!” exclaimed my exasperated husband. Truth be told, entertaining a baby is easy for some and difficult for others. Some of us just have an easier time getting into the “baby mindset” to figure out what will be entertaining for someone whose life is still measured in months. For the rest of us, I present this list! Just be prepared to look silly… 1. Lean over your infant and slowly move your face closer until you touch noses for a brief second, then pop back up and act surprised. 2. Play peek-a-boo by holding a … Continue reading

Why I’m Walking a Different Way

I ran into one of my neighbors when I was walking Moose and Lally the other night. She’s one of the first people I met when I moved here last May, and we’ve been friendly ever since. She mentioned that she hadn’t seen me as much lately — I used to walk Moose and Lally past her apartment often. Her little dog would come charging out, tail wagging, to say hello. I responded that I was trying to avoid cats. Lally has become quite the kitty hunter, and there are several semi-feral cats that tend to congregate in the landscaping … Continue reading

“I’m Trying!” (When They Really Are)

Recently one of my kids has been going through a tough time—all of the changes and transitions that she is going through right now have really thrown her into a tailspin. As I encourage and urge her and try to let her know that she really is doing fabulously as she works through all of these changes, she often answers with the gloomy, “I’m trying.” The fact is, even if she doesn’t see the results yet, she really is trying and that is all anyone can ask of her anyway! As parents, we can support our kids when they are … Continue reading

Detachment vs. Responsibility as a Parent

I don’t know about you, but I never forget that I have the ultimate responsibility for my three kids as a parent (this is one of the main reasons I do not know how I am going to adjust in the next several months as they become adults and start to push out in the world.) I also know in my head and have learned how important it is to take a back seat and be detached from my children’s choices and personal decisions at times—but for me, it is an ongoing struggle to balance out the detachment from my … Continue reading

Can We Detach in a Healthy Way?

Detaching can be a tough wrestling match for a single parent—we do not want to become so distant and skeptical that we have detached too much, but we also do not want to cling so tightly to our lives—our jobs, children, homes, relationships, etc. that we are enmeshed in a healthy way. I sometimes think it will take me a lifetime to really master this challenge of detaching in a healthy and loving way. What I have found interesting and universal (in talking with other single parents) is that we tend to vacillate in our responses to parenting and life—we … Continue reading

Gearing Up for Transitions

As parents, we often find ourselves reacting to phases and stages and things that our children go through—but sometimes, we can actually prepare ourselves and our children in advance for transitions and life changes that are coming up on the horizons. Things like changing schools or a move might come to mind, but there are other transitions that can be traumatic as well. Moving into a new class, starting a new activity, learning to drive, searching for a college, getting ready to move out, going off to summer camp—you can see how there are so many changes and events that … Continue reading

It’s All New to Them

Over the years, I have been inclined to occasionally forget that what is old hat, or an old lesson to me—is still all new to my kids. I know that this is the very reason many people love to be around young children, it is a chance to see an old world through fresh eyes and to get a renewed version of the world. But, as a parent, I sometimes forget that what I’ve grown weary of is all new to my children. I find with teenagers, that so much of what they are doing is very reminiscent to me … Continue reading