Do Our Teens Have it Too Easy?

We had to wash dishes by hand. They have dishwashers that they won’t even load without a fight. We typed our term papers by hand and used white out. They use laptops and can create flawless papers with a little effort. We had to work with teachers after school if we didn’t understand a concept. They can use Google and Wikipedia as their tutors. We carried nickels and dimes so we could call home in case of an emergency, if we could find a payphone. They can connect to us and their friends instantly with their cell phones. We had … Continue reading

This Year Teens Want Cold Hard Cash for Christmas

I think the teens in my life (kids, nieces, nephews, my kids’ friends) have been feeling the negative effects of the economy. Their Christmas gift request of choice has been a bit of an indicator. Maybe it’s because we have been less free with money demanding more for the chore money and handing out less just because. Maybe it’s because there are things that they want that they don’t have the heart to ask us for. Perhaps it’s because they have learned to be thrifty shoppers themselves and know they can get alot more for the same money after Christmas. … Continue reading