Coupons for Pillsbury, IHOP at Home, and more!

Are you a “coupon clipper”? This frugal practice can take a lot of time. It is much more convenient to have a company send you a bunch of coupons. Sign up with, like I did, and you can get free coupons sent to your inbox. Here are the coupons that are featured at right now. General Mills has a coupon that will save you $0.50 when you buy 1 box of the Original Cheerios cereal. The coupon specifically points out that it is to be used on “the one in the yellow box”. Pillsbury has a bunch of … Continue reading

Choices and Consequences

I have been reading a lot about toddlers and discipline lately. One of the things that I have heard about as an effective tool for disciplining children is the concept of letting children experience the consequences of their actions. Parents explain to children that they have a choice as to how to behave in a particular situation, they explain the consequences of each choice, and then they let the children decide which consequences they will experience by letting them choose how they will behave in that situation. On its face, the concept makes sense but what I have been having … Continue reading

Multiples in the Night

Like most aspects of parenting multiples, night time parenting more than one can be an exercise in futility when you’re trying to get some much needed sleep. Furthermore, multiples are frequently born pre-term and may need a significant amount of care around the clock. Here are a few strategies that we’ve used to survive the first twelve months of our twins’ lives and cope with the sleep deprivation: Scheduling If you’re bottle feeding, scheduling is a lot easier to do. If you’re breastfeeding, it’s a little trickier but it is worth the effort. You will be up a lot less … Continue reading