The First Training Wheels

I’ve recently realized that training wheels are not just for your first bicycle. Training wheels are everywhere you look. I’m spending a summer reading way too many pages for a test that is way to big and vague. I’ve got training wheels though. I’m learning from others who have done it before me. I’m taking tips from masters and advice from anyone willing to lend it. I’ve got an entire army of training wheels around me and I’m quite pleased to have them. Training wheels lead to success. So when our son now wants to grab hold of our fingers … Continue reading

Run Bike, Training Wheels, or Tricycle?

If you have a preschooler, you likely have some permutation of a bike. Perhaps it is a little rusted and very secondhand, or maybe it is new and shiny. However, if your preschooler has some wheels you may wonder what wheels are best for riding. If you are looking for a beginner’s bike, you may think first of the tricycle. These sturdy three-wheeled bikes are perfect for the tiny set and they are hard to tip over. They give your two-year-old or three-year-old a great start at simply pedaling around the yard or the neighborhood. Your child gets used to … Continue reading

Bike Riding – How to Get the Training Wheels Off

Summer time is here and this year, it will be a momentous summer because we’ll be working diligently with our daughter to shed her training wheels, master her swimming lessons and so much more. When it comes to getting the training wheels off, it can be a real rite of passage for child and parents. Some Kids are Daredevils I know many children in my neighborhood that are real daredevils. I, myself, was a daredevil. I shed my training wheels two days after I got my bike. My motivation lay more in the fact that I broke the training wheels … Continue reading

Better Late Than Never

(Scooting came easily, bike riding not so much.) My daughter was born nearly three weeks before her due date. We were all shocked and a bit ill-prepared. A few pieces of furniture hadn’t been built yet and I didn’t have a hospital bag picked out, let alone packed. Still, there’s no stopping a baby from coming out when she is ready… and it’s hard to shove her back in when you’re not. My daughter arrived kicking and screaming and we welcomed her with open arms. Interestingly, though, despite her early arrival, she hasn’t hit some critical milestones before her peers. … Continue reading

Make Sure You Share The Milestones

It has been one of those weeks. Wednesday was the last day of high school for Hailey. What a milestone! What a crazy moment to be a parent. I’m happy, I’m sad, I’m confused. What happened to my baby? Hailey came home Wednesday with her cap and gown. I cried, she cried. I remembered to take a picture of her in her cap and gown and text it to her father. I didn’t want him to miss this moment. When you are divorced there are so many moments you miss. Whether your child lives with you or your ex spouse, … Continue reading

Ten Steps

Last time I talked about the unspecific nature of many milestones and the difficulty of assigning a specific time to their various occurrences. I can say with certainty that our son has taken his first “steps” recently and I’m proud to announce it here. He’d been standing up alone and walking with the aid of nearby furniture for over a month. He’s also been using the “training wheels” of walking with a wagon of sorts. All of this prep work has prepared him to begin actually walking on his own with confidence. It has started. Ten steps is certainly not … Continue reading

Home Schooling with a Toddler in Tow

Have you ever been teaching algebra and been interrupted by the sound of your toddler riffling through your bookcase? Or teaching biology and look up to see your walls decorated with Crayola markers, complements of your toddler? Or worse yet, realize you have not taught a decent day of school since your baby turned into a toddler? Home schooling is not for the faint of heart. Our families are constantly changing, growing, and living life in between fractions and Moby Dick. One of the biggest changes a home schooling family can go through is the addition of a new baby. … Continue reading

Excuses for Not Exercising:#1 I Do Not Have the Money

Some people think that it takes a gym membership, a diet program that involves meetings and upfront payments or fancy exercise equipment to get in shape. The fact is you do not need money to exercise. There are numerous forms of exercise and they are all right before your eyes. When you open your front door, what do you see? You have miles and miles of land before you. Do you live in an area that you do not feel safe to walk or ride your bike outdoors in? If so, then drive to an area that you do feel … Continue reading

More Ways to Make Running Fun

I have Oprah Winfrey to thank for making my hour-long runs tolerable. When I was training for my first marathon (in the dead of winter) I would run on the treadmill at my gym. I always chose the treadmill that was located in front of the largest TV, so I could have some sort of distraction while I logged my daily miles. Since I worked out at the same time each day I eventually got hooked on Oprah. Needless to say, her shows helped the time fly by. It was only after the season changed and I started running outdoors … Continue reading

Do You Curse in Front of Your Kids?

How many times have you dropped the F-bomb in front of your children? Do you use the word S*%^ as an adjective? Think about it. I’m not referring to the time when you stepped on a handful of LEGOs with bare feet or took a header into the pavement when you were teaching your 5-year-old to ride without training wheels. I’m talking about regular use of curse words as part of your daily vocabulary. If you routinely use expletives in front of your kids without realizing it, then you might take note of a dad in Philly. A father in … Continue reading