Getting Your Students to Cooperate

As a teacher (and parent) it may seem that all you do is give orders, correct children, and hand out punishment. Carrying out activities such as the ones described above can cause a long and stressful day for any adult or child. If only there was a way to get the students to do what you want them to do without having to scold, yell, or pull out your hair! While there will always be defiant students who test your nerves, there are some ways that you can make your days a lot less stressful. Try some of the tips … Continue reading

Issues with Discussing Feelings with Students

Previously I discussed how important it is to children that teachers and parents acknowledge their feelings. While it seems that it would be a very simple task to listen to and acknowledge a child’s feelings, many parents and teachers have trouble or questions about how to deal with the feelings of a child. Below are some common issues that teachers and parents may come across when facing the feelings of a child. Students will not open up about their feelings. When asked how they feel they do not answer or give a short answer. When asked out directly, many children … Continue reading

Acknowledging the Feelings of Students

Most adults want their feelings acknowledged. They want people to know and hear how they feel. However, most adults do not give children this same acknowledgement of feelings that they desire. The feelings of children are often passed off and casually dismissed as being insignificant. While many in society may not feel that the feelings of a child cannot make a difference in the world, the feelings of children should be acknowledged. Children’s feelings not only need to be acknowledged at home but also at school. Students are continuously expressing feelings to their teachers. They talk about how they feel … Continue reading

Tips For Dealing With Hurt Feelings On Valentine’s Day

Next month we celebrate Valentine’s Day. When I was in elementary and middle school, we exchanged cards and candy with our classmates. I remember how we would eagerly count our stash to see just who had the most cards. I also remember that some of my classmates didn’t receive many cards and I always felt sorry for those kids. I always gave each of classmates a card, even the ones I didn’t like. My close friends received candy as well as a card. Another thing I recall about Valentine’s Day was that this seemed to be the day when secret … Continue reading