Simple Living

Simple living is something I long to accomplish. I sit here and look around my cluttered house, filled with mostly things I don’t need. I waste money on these items and am just creating unnecessary trash when I throw them away. I do try to recycle and donate whenever possible, but really, I’d rather just have less stuff. I know I eat way too much junk food and spend far too little quality time with my family. And that is the basis for the simple living movement. Minimize your lifestyle to what you need and love and get rid of … Continue reading

Learning How and When to Walk Away from a Stressful Situation

Many single parents eventually learn how to be fighters. We learn how to stick up for ourselves and how to advocate for our children and our families. This, in itself, can be a good thing and a real developmental leap for many of us. There are those times, however, when the very best thing we can do is NOT stay and battle and fight—but to walk away and let things go… It took me a long time to learn how to walk away and avoid a fight or argument. In the world that I was raised in, I learned how … Continue reading

Hostility Can Harm Your Immune System

Researchers from Duke University have found that hostility and depression can harm a man’s immune system and increase the risk of heart disease. Negative emotional states can also increase a man’s risk of diabetes, chronic inflammation, and high blood pressure. Hostile, angry, and depressed people are more likely to have increased levels of C3 — an immune system protein associated with chronic inflammation. Elevated C3 levels have been connected to heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. The Duke University study tracked more than three hundred male Vietnam veterans over a decade — these study participants were part of a … Continue reading

Tips to Help Your Child re-Handle a Violent Conflict

Nonviolent Conflict Solving is necessary if we choose to instill peaceful values into our children. Given the degree of anger and violence in society, children may need to know, as early as possible, how to handle disagreements with each other without letting their anger get out of control, and without using violence. As they develop physically and cognitively, children can be helped to use the conflict-solving methods that worked for them in their early childhood days to problem solve around the more complicated problems that appear in adolescence. We’re not violent so why should we teach this to our children? … Continue reading