Tolerating a Teen’s Redecorating

Hair, clothes, and body aren’t the only “canvases” that a teenager has at their disposal. The parent of a teenager may very well find herself facing some interesting interior decorating choices as well. As the parent of three teens, I am having to learn some patience and tolerance around the interior decorating changes that occur in my household… I remember a few years ago, a friend of mine had a teenager who painted the walls of his room dark blue. She had told him he could not paint them black, so he went as dark as he could without actually … Continue reading

Letting Kids Decorate Their Way

We all have different tastes when it comes to decorating. Getting a parent and a child to agree on how the child’s room should be decorated is sometimes difficult. I tried as much as possible to enlist Tyler’s input on how he wanted his room redecorated and some of his ideas were pretty wild. Before Katrina I was actually beginning the process of switching my office with Tyler’s room because it was the bigger bedroom. Although he was just four at the time, I knew he would soon need more space and since I needed to remove the wall of … Continue reading