Choosing Quality TV Programs

The debate over how much TV is too much TV is one of those issues that will probably continue to be debated for many years. While I try to limit the amount of TV Tyler watches, I don’t feel I need to ban the “idiot box” all together. Since I limit his TV time, Tyler knows what to expect and does not argue the point. I don’t control how much TV he watches when he’s with his father. As I said, I don’t think we should ban TV altogether. And yes, some days I allow him to watch more TV … Continue reading

TV Turn-Off Week

Mark your calendar for April 23rd. TV-Turn Off Week begins on this date and it’s a great time for families to start limiting the amount of time they watch TV. If you can unplug your sets and survive for a week, then maybe you can survive without TV most days. TV is not an evil monster, if we watch it in moderation. However, many kids spend too much time plunked in front of the TV. When I was a kid, we spent more time outside playing or inside reading and doing other things. Of course, we didn’t have cable or … Continue reading