How to Childproof Your Toddler’s Room

Toddlers are really good at getting into things that parents wish they would leave alone. A viral video that showed a dresser falling over onto twin toddler boys made many parents want to learn how to childproof their toddler’s room. You may have seen the viral video that showed two twin toddlers climbing up their dresser when they were supposed to be sleeping. The two-year-old boys, Bowdy and Brock, figured out how to open up the bottom drawers of the dresser and use them like a step so they could climb up to the top of the dresser. Unfortunately, the … Continue reading

Some Ads in Parenting Magazines Show Unsafe Practices

Flip through a parenting magazine while you are in line at the grocery store, or while waiting for your child to see the doctor. The photos and images your eyes skim over might actually be showing children who are doing unsafe things. These pretty photos in the advertisements may give parents the wrong idea when it comes to child safety. Parenting magazines, of course, are intended to be read by parents. These magazines offer advice on everything from nutrition and health issues, to how to cope when your child is having a public “meltdown”. One would reasonably assume that the … Continue reading

Should Both Parents Tend to the Baby at Night?

Whose job is it to get up in the middle of the night to tend to a crying infant? There was a time when the automatic assumption was that this task was entirely for the mother. Today, there are plenty of parents who realize that there are good reasons to share this responsibility. Babies are incredibly cute. They can also be exhausting. Many babies simply refuse to sleep through the night. They loudly let their parents know that they need a diaper change or want to be fed. At least one parent needs to get up to tend to the … Continue reading

Grateful for Baby

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I decided to think about all the things that I am grateful for about my job as a Mother to my sweet little baby. Yesterday, one of my older children was sick. I had very little sleep, and had been up since about 2 am. Needless to say, I was pretty grouchy when the sun started to rise and I had to continue on with my daily duties as a Mom. But, then my baby woke up. I walked into his room, and he smiled at me (like he always does). I thought to myself, … Continue reading

The Flu Shot for Baby-Is it Necessary?

In our house, we have always been big proponents of the flu shot. We all get them every year. And, it is that time of year again. My husband works in the medical field, and in past years, he has had to be in contact with flu patients regularly. Since our children are young, we have always been cautious. In his current job, he is not in close contact with patients infected with the flu, although he does still work in a hospital. So, I found myself asking him if it was really necessary. I had never really questioned it … Continue reading

Alone Time

Remember the days in high school when the captain of the football team or president of the student body wouldn’t give you the time of day, let alone a peck on the cheek. Back then, you may have lamented the harsh sting of loneliness and wondered if you’d be doomed to walk the halls of life solo for the rest of eternity. Then, you gave birth and going to the toilet, showering, or even brushing your teeth became a team sport. From the moment your baby arrives in your arms until he or she moves out of the nest, “me … Continue reading

Time For A New Bedtime?

The other day, it took an inordinate amount of time to get Dylan to bed. Yesterday, I noticed that a repeat performance was underway. After we had read our books, it was eight thirty. Dylan was not at all sleepy. It was 8:30 and he had not napped. He had also only gotten nine hours of sleep the previous night when he had been regularly sleeping for twelve hours. I did not know what to do to avoid another late night, so I asked him what he thought he needed to have or do in order to fall asleep. Dylan … Continue reading

Wrestling A Baby To Sleep

Last night, I certainly felt like I was in a wrestling match. Since we are currently co-sleeping (and not entirely by our choice, but more so our baby’s) it is always a little tricky with three people in the bed. But, this morning, I woke up feeling like I had literally been wrestling all night. That is not a good feeling! My five-month-old is as precious as it gets. He smiles all day long, even when sick, and has a great temperament these days, unlike those early ones. But, the nights are long. They are a battle. They are tough … Continue reading

What is Your Five Month Old Up To?

Today my little guy turned 5 months old. I can hardly believe it! If you had asked me two months ago if I was ever going to make it to 5 months, I probably would have said no! It seemed forever away, and now it has already come and gone. That’s the joy of motherhood. My 5 month old is so precious. This past week, he got really sick and we were worried about him. He wasn’t worried, though. He just smiled and smiled and smiled through it all. Despite all my posts about him being a very fussy baby, … Continue reading

Keeping Baby Busy

Since I have a fussier than normal baby, it is also more difficult to keep him happy when he is not in my arms. We have a myriad of contraptions that he is starting to grow into like the bouncy chair, saucer, and swing. We also have a playmat on the floor that has toys that hang over his head. Yesterday, he managed to bounce himself in the bouncer for a good 15 minutes. I was thrilled! It gave me time to fold some laundry. My older kids are big helpers too. I frequently ask them to “go play with … Continue reading