Tip of the Day- Wear your seat belt

They’re uncomfortable, they wrinkle your blouse, they’re one more thing to remember, and they can save your life. Wear your seat belt today. Every time you get in the car, buckle that belt. I don’t care if you’re only going to the end of your driveway to get the mail. Whatever pulls you to get into a car today, make sure your seat belt is securely fastened before the car leaves park. Click your own and double check to make sure everyone else is secured as well. No one particularly likes wearing a seat belt and everyone has heard the … Continue reading

Front Facing Car Seat – When?

The front facing car seat is a question many mothers struggle with as their infants develop and become toddlers. It’s hard enough to keep the baby happy in the car when they are no longer going to sleep in it. It can be even tougher on them when they can’t see Mom. The question to ask is when is it best to turn the seat from rear-facing to front-facing. Many parents do it when the baby is about a year old. On the other hand, research now shows that it is better to wait for your baby to achieve a … Continue reading

Top 15 Child Safety Seat Mistakes

Infant and Child Safety Seats are only safer than seatbelts alone if they are used consistently and properly. Below are the top 15 most common car seat errors that parents might make: 1. Keeping the handle up on infant seats: Infant seats can pose a hazard to the infant and others in the vehicle in the event of a crash. There are a few car seats that are safe to use with the handle in the upright position so always check your owner’s manual and, when in doubt, lower the handle every single time you buckle baby in! 2. Turning … Continue reading