Truthful Parenting

This week I sat down to talk to a mother of three, whose children are now grown (two are married). Whenever I need some great advice, I always turn to her. Her experiences and the way I see how her children have turned out are really inspiring to me. While I had several things on my mind, one of them in particular was concerning a parenting decision that my husband and I had made. It was one of those decisions where you ended up with a lack of peace. Deep down inside it has been eating away at me, the … Continue reading

Single Parenting: When Your Kids Do Not Like the New Person in Your Life

If you are dating again after being single for several years expect some repercussions from your kids. This problem is not as significant if they are younger than if they are older, but could still happen. There are a number of reactions that you may face when you tell your child that you are seeing someone. They could react with jealousy and/or dislike toward you, the person that you are seeing, or the both of you. They may refuse to meet them, or misbehave intentionally when they are around. As you probably are well aware, this will most likely be … Continue reading

Single Parenting: Boys and Girls

I cannot say that I exactly know all about raising a girl because I do not have one. However, I have sisters, and I have several nieces and great-nieces and I am one myself, after all. I know a thing or two about girls. What I do know is that boys are quite different. Take for instance when I was going to pick up my niece to go shopping. Mind you, she was only 5 years old. Her mother told her that she needed to get ready because I was coming to pick her up. She responded with, “I cannot … Continue reading

Attachment Parenting of Adopted Children.

It’s important as a parent to recognize the developmental milestones and expectations we have for our children. Most parents understand it takes awhile for a newborn baby to learn how to walk and talk so no one is worried when a newborn doesn’t get up and walk. That would be a silly expectation and most people understand that it is not a developmental milestone for a newborn to walk. Most people understand that walking on average happens around the age of one-year-old. The stages of Adoption have certain developmental milestones as well, however most people don’t understand what these milestones … Continue reading

Defining Success

How do you define success as a parent?  Is it dependent on your child’s abilities and talents?  This is a common issue for many families. I have to be honest, I am never impressed when I hear someone rattle off all the activities that little Johnny is involved in.  I’m not moved by the fact a teenager is taking on a heavy load of AP courses, working and involved in sports. As a matter of fact, I actually start to feel sorry for the kid.  The only way I might not is if I have full assurance the extra-curricular activities … Continue reading

Her Children Arise and Call Her Blessed

There is this Bible verse I have read many times and often wondered, “What would that feel like as a mom?” Which verse am I talking about? It is found in Proverbs 31:28: “Her children arise and call her blessed…” This basically means that the mother’s children recognize her efforts. I mean, what mother wouldn’t want that? I have heard many moms of adult children say that it isn’t until they start having children that they seem to get it. So I have tucked that away in my heart, holding it until the day it happens. However, I was blessed … Continue reading

The Key to Happiness

Happiness, the thing everyone is searching for, but so often can’t find. We all want to feel joy in our lives, but there are times when it seems almost impossible to come by. After my divorce I was sure that I would never feel happiness again. I honestly didn’t think it was possible. I was too devastated. But I can truthfully say today, that I have found the key to happiness, and it really isn’t that hard to find. All you have to do is count your blessings. Sounds simple enough doesn’t it? Some days it is far easier to … Continue reading

We Can’t Change Our Children

Out of all the many lessons I am learning on this journey of parenthood, one that has especially been hitting close to home lately is the fact that I cannot change my children. Nor should I really desire to. Actually, this lesson began early on when my oldest son was about 4 years old. My husband is a sports fanatic. He not only enjoys watching sports but playing as well. So when our firstborn was a son, he assumed they would share the same interests. As soon as he was of age to join T-ball, we signed him up. My … Continue reading

Little White Lies

Today I was reminded again of how hard it is when your kids lie. My friends little girl told a pretty big lie, she got scared on her way to school and said someone tried to abduct her. Of course the police were out in force, parents were notified and the news crews came in. A few hours later she told them she lied. I can’t imagine how her Mom feels, living through every parents worst nightmare and then, after all these community resources are expended, to find out it wasn’t true. Most people have been cruel, pointing a finger … Continue reading

Getting Called on the Carpet

Judge Judy has this saying that has always stuck with me. “How do you know when a teenager is lying?” The answer is…their lips are moving. In other words, you can’t count on anything being truthful when it comes to a teen. The first time I heard this, I had to laugh. While I don’t believe its true, I do understand where she is coming from. Trust is something we earn. I try to explain to my teens that it’s true in our house as well. When I know I can trust them, when they have earned my trust, I … Continue reading