Helping Children Discover Gifts and Talents

One of the amazing joys of parenting is watching as our child’s individual personality unfolds—including interests, specialties, gifts and talents. Some of those gifts and talents can be hidden—just waiting for a little prompting and nurturing to come out and see the light of day. As parents, we can help our children discover their special gifts and talents—as well as help nurture them along as they grow and develop. Providing children with a variety of experiences and exposure to diverse ideas and activities is one of the best ways to help children discover their special gifts. This can be hard … Continue reading

My Mini Me

Do you want your kids to follow in your footsteps, career wise? Tyler has announced that when he grows up he wants to be a writer. Why not, he’s been around books all of his life. He’s witnessed me toiling day in and day out, literally burning the midnight oil doing research or trying to beat a deadline. He knows that eventually a check comes in the mail along with a copy of the article that I worked so hard on. He’s proud of what I do and tells everyone that his mom is a writer. He’s been walking around … Continue reading

School Isn’t the Only Place to Get Educated

We parents expect a great deal from our schools and the “educational process”—and, we have every right and reason to. BUT, with the increased budget cuts and changes in our schools, more and more is being left out of curriculum and classrooms. Additionally, we may forget that there are plenty of other places and ways for our children to obtain information, knowledge, and education OUTSIDE of school… Of course there are extracurricular activities like dance, sports and arts classes—but there are plenty of other opportunities to obtain “education” that we might not think of. Volunteering for community or church projects … Continue reading

Using Tools Of Your Trade To Teach Your Kids

As a writer, I have developed a way to incorporate the tools of my trade into my role as parent and teacher. One of the best resources I have found is the annual Chase’s Calendar of Events. This guide provides a daily chronicle of what happened during a given year. It’s a great resource as a homework helper and idea generator for reports and projects. It’s an expensive guide, running almost a $100, but you can probably find a coppy at your local library’s reference department. I lucked out and bought an old guide at the library book sale for … Continue reading