Staying Motivated on a Weekend

For many of us home business owners, our work lives are not divided up by week days and weekends. Nor do we have set business hours where we work straight through for 8 consecutive hours. While this flexibility can be fabulous, it can also create some motivation problems. I don’t usually have to work straight through a weekend, but I often have to do SOME work. Even this can be a strain as I have a tough time staying motivated when I want to just lounge and play with my family! So much of the rest of the world is … Continue reading

Having People Over for Dinner… A History

I am having a small dinner party mid-week—nothing extravagant, just a few friends over for dinner and conversation. My kids decide, after asking what’s on the menu, to make themselves scarce. How simple it gets to be at this age to have people over for dinner and not have to worry about the kids! I have always been an “entertainer”—even when my kids were small. Since I love to cook and entertain, I just had to find a way to continue even as a single mom with three children—children who weren’t always keen on “having people over for diner.” Sometimes, … Continue reading

Are You Taking Full Advantage of Freedom and Flexibility?

One of the chief “pluses” people who run their own home businesses claim is the ability to have flexibility and freedom in their work–freedom to set their own schedules, spend time with family and children, and work in an environment that feels comfortable and inspiring. Now that you are running your own home business (or seriously contemplating getting one started), are you taking full advantage of all that potential for freedom and flexibility? It can be tough to “un-train” ourselves after years and years of working more traditional jobs. Jobs where we had fixed hours, or fixed responsibilities or had … Continue reading

Taking Holidays Off

Easter weekend is coming up and Easter is definitely my favorite holiday—the hopeful, sunny, springtime of Easter…but holidays aren’t always an easy given day off when you’re running your own home business. In the world of home business operations, every day is potentially a productive day and every hour is an opportunity to generate income. Now, I’m not trying to sound greedy or like I have my priorities out of whack—I don’t. I’m not actually working every hour of every day, but when it is your own business, you can definitely feel the opportunity cost of taking a long weekend … Continue reading

We Still Have Movies

My high school-age kids and I don’t have a whole lot in common anymore. It is becoming more and more difficult for us to find things we can do together that actually feel fun and easy and don’t take too much cajoling and work. One of the things we can still enjoy together is renting and watching movies. We may not all have the same taste, but chances are, plunking a movie in the DVD player can still cause a bit of a gathering in the living room… One of the great things about movies and teenagers is that talking … Continue reading

A Great Family Activity–Visiting Public Art

Looking for something to do with your family that won’t cost a thing? How about something that can appeal to people of all ages and interests? If you live in even a moderate-sized city, chances are there are plenty of opportunities to view and experience public art–this is a great way to get outside and get a little exercise and experience your town or city from a creative, artistic perspective! Many parks, universities, town squares, courthouses, museums, performing arts centers and other community properties have public art on display. This can be murals painted on the sides of building, sculptures, … Continue reading

Weekends: Family Time, Relaxation, Work or Homework?

The issue of what to do with your weekends as a family can get a bit controversial. For many of us, weekends tend to be two days of cramming in as much of everything we can’t or don’t get done during the week and we hit Monday morning more exhausted than we were on Friday evening! How is your family utilizing weekends? Is it used for relaxation, family time, chores, or homework?! I tend to find myself working through the weekends, but I do try to get in a little socializing as well. I notice with my kids that they … Continue reading