What Are Dad Jeans?

And why is the president of the United States being accused of sporting them in public? I’ve heard of “mom jeans”–the term is typically used to insult a woman who is wearing denim that accentuates her childbearing hips more than her svelte waist—-but learning that there is a male equivalent to this type of frumpiness came as a shock to me. After all, most jean manufacturers tend to mass-produce the same cut of pants for its male consumers, whereas women typically have six or seven styles to choose from. Apparently, ugly jeans are unisexual… and we have President Barack Obama … Continue reading

Controversial Dress Ban

Prom is not cheap.  Dressing for prom will drain your wallet even more. So, what happens when you find an affordable prom gown that flatters your figure, but you can’t wear it to the big dance because of a new school dress code? That’s the dilemma facing eighth grade girls at Readington Middle School in New Jersey.  The school principal recently decided to ban strapless dresses from the year-end dinner dance, but did so after some parents had already forked over a pretty penny for their daughters’ fancy shoulder-baring frocks. Dozens of moms and dads are now taking to social … Continue reading

Shopping with Grandma and Grandpa Part III

While my daughter, mother-in-law, and I were picking out shoes for my daughter, grandpa and my son were busy finding some dress pants for daddy; grandpa felt that he (daddy) must be in need of some new “khaki” pants to wear to work (my husband typically wears jeans to work without issue). Still grandpa wanted to buy my husband some new pants so he and my son had the sales woman collecting many different options while my son apparently entertained her with his antics. After a quick nursing break for my daughter and after grandma touched base with grandpa; my … Continue reading

Simple Ways to Save This Summer

Be happy with what you have. That’s one of the best ways to save money, according to my dad. He used to employ that line a lot when I was in high school trying to pump him for money to buy designer jeans. Twenty years later, I see his point. When you stop looking for fulfillment in material things, it’s much easier to spend less money and find contentment in the items you already have. Of course, if you just lost 20 pounds and your pants don’t fit any more, then by all means, spend, spend, spend. Now that summer … Continue reading

How Did Your Family Wear The Trends of Their Generations?

At this time of the year, when many of us are shopping for gifts for relatives, we are learning a lot about what the current trends for toys and fashion are. A fun idea for a family history scrapbook is to focus on what the trends were when you, your parents, and your grandparents were growing up. Looking at old photographs is a great way to get started, and you can also find a lot of great information online. For example, I was born in 1978 and my sister was born in 1980. Certain toys stand out in my mind … Continue reading

Spending Time With My Sister Part II

On day two of our visit we awoke fairly early (probably due to the time difference) and I, of course, was starving. I had brought a cooler full of food with us, particularly breakfast food items for my daily three egg omelet. It was not apparent yet that my sister and her husband were awake yet so I prepared breakfast for my son and I during which our hosts awoke with their baby daughter! While my son and I ate our breakfast, the baby also had her breakfast and my sister’s husband made breakfast for the two of them. The … Continue reading

Discipling Young Hearts: Masculinity

When I first gave birth to a son I assumed his father would take the helm and teach him what it means to be a man of God. I did not think I was qualified as a woman to teach my son who to be a man. After all, I am not a man. I took the role of raising my girls as a mentor seriously since a woman is equipped to teach the girlhood. As the years went on I would ask my husband his advice for any questions I had regarding raising a son. Eventually, I realized that … Continue reading

Am I Raising a Hoarder Or Is This Her Security Blanket

One thing that can be counted on when you have a child or two, is the mountain of “stuff” that comes with them. First there are bottles and diapers and strollers and the like, and then come the toys. The toys never seem to stop coming, birthdays, Christmas, good grades, whatever it is, there always seems to be a toy or ten attached. Every time I walk into my daughter’s room I’m amazed at the amount of stuff she has collected in her short life. Coming from a divorced family on accelerates the collection. Christmas at Mom’s and Christmas at … Continue reading

The Shamrock Shimmy

Just when I thought my daughter could only bust a move to Flo Rida and his request to “Put yo hands up! Put yo hands up! Put yo hands up!” she shocks me by requesting that I enroll her in Irish stepdance classes. The Trinity Irish Dancers paid a visit to her school today for a pre-St. Patrick’s Day party in the gym. Apparently, they called some of the students up on stage to perform with them and my daughter held her own with the pros. After the show a few of the dancers invited her to their studio for … Continue reading

Product Review: Sound Beginnings

The sound of the electric beater would make my son startle when he was in the womb. The swell of a hymn on Sunday morning would seem to send him into a happy dance, making my stomach look like a bag of popcorn in the microwave. Daddy’s voice would almost always earn a kick or a punch. It was pretty clear he could hear us and I would experiment with different sounds to see what he would do. Sometimes I would sing or listen to music with a driving beat just to see how much I could get him to … Continue reading