“I Need to Relax a Little Bit!”

I know that little children say the cutest things and, as parents, we often wish that we’d written them all down. But, as many of you know, I am the parent of teenagers and teenagers have their own take on the English language. While they might not be saying “cute” things any more–they do say things that catch me off guard and I hope that I’ll remember. This morning, when I asked one of my daughters to run an errand for me, her answer was: “I’ll do it later. Right now I have to relax a little bit.” Okay, now … Continue reading

Household Chores and a Simple Thank You

Sometimes it seems that the number one cause of rancor in a marriage is the division of household labor. The popular image of the husband going off to work every morning while the wife takes care of the house is pervasive, even in the 21st century when men are just as likely to prepare the evening meal as their wives are whether they have gone to work all day or not. When you cope with both spouses working, the division of household labor can become even more intensive. 9 times out of 10, if an overfull trash can gets on … Continue reading

What Can We Call Them Besides “Chores”?

I am not terribly fond of the word “chores”–it seems to carry with it generations of unsavory connections and just generally sounds un-fun. Maybe, as a family, we can come up with another word for “chores” that will not only sound better, but make it so that family members are more interested and excited to help out around the house? How about something like “helps” or “contributions”? Those both sound pretty positive. Actually we add that word to contributions and come up with “positive contributions”–that sounds very chipper and perky indeed. How could a child argue with “Have you made … Continue reading