What is “Lazy Parenting” ?

There are a variety of parenting styles to choose from. Most people pick the one that their own parents used, or they select a style that they feel best fits their family. “Lazy parenting” is an option. It may sounds neglectful – or even dangerous – if you are unfamiliar with how it works. Oddly enough, so called “Lazy Parenting” may actually be more intensive, and difficult, than other parenting styles. No one wants to be called “lazy”. The word has a very negative connotation! One might assume that “lazy parenting” is a style selected by slacker parents who don’t … Continue reading

Strength-Based Parenting

There are a wide variety of parenting styles to choose from. Parents can choose to raise their kids with the parenting style that they were raised with. Or, if they want something different, they can select a parenting style that matches their values and the needs of their kids. One option is called strength-based parenting. Lea Waters is the chair of positive psychology at University of Melbourne. She has written a book called “The Strength Switch”. The full title continues with “How The New Science of Strength-Based Parenting Can Help Your Child and Your Teen to Flourish”. The book is … Continue reading

“Hypo-Parenting” is Not a Parenting Style

Have you ever wished that you could hypnotize your children so they would behave the way you wanted them to? One parent has been doing exactly that, though there is no science to support the idea that hypnosis is an effective parenting tool. Lisa Macheberg is a hypnotherapist who has three children. She says she started hypnotizing her children the help them get through the night without wetting the bed. She didn’t stop there, though. She now uses hypnotizing as a tool to help her kids deal with range of problems from performance anxiety to difficulty focusing. In an ABC … Continue reading

Study: Intrusive Parenting Can Be Harmful to Children

There is a wide variety of parenting styles to choose from. Ultimately, each parent is going to select one that they feel works best for them. It is worth considering that not every parenting style is a healthy choice for children. A study found that intrusive parenting can be harmful to children. The study was titled “Developmental Trajectories of Maladaptive Perfectionism in Middle School Children”. It was led by Ryan Y. Hong, and was published in the Journal of Personality. The researchers focuses on a sample size of 263 of Singaporean children – and their parents. The study began when … Continue reading

The Hidden Dangers of “Shake it Off” Parenting

                What do you do when your child is upset? The answer to that question can be based on the parenting style that you choose to practice. One option is to comfort your child until he or she feels better. Another option is to tell your child to “shake off” the injury or emotion that he or she is experiencing. Parents that do this often feel it is a good way to help their child grow up. However, there are some hidden dangers to “shake it off” parenting that you should be aware … Continue reading

Lighthouse Parenting Provides Stable Beacons

Lighthouse parenting is one of many different parenting styles. The overall goal with this parenting style is to provide your teenagers with a stable beacon that they can turn to for guidance. It is a balance between protecting your teens from harm and giving them the opportunity to learn from their mistakes. The lighthouse parenting style was created by Kenneth Ginsburg, MD, MSEd. He has a book called “Raising Kids to Thrive: Balancing Love With Expectations and Protection With Trust”. In the book, he describes lighthouse parenting by saying that parents should be like lighthouses for their children, “beacons of … Continue reading

4 Reasons to Helicopter Parent Your Pet

It has been said that helicopter parenting might not be the most ideal parenting style. Kids need some room to make mistakes and learn from them. That being said, there are a lot of great reasons why you should helicopter parent your pet. Reasons Why You Should Helicopter Parent Your Pets Pets Don’t “Grow Out of It” Babies and toddlers go through a stage where they put everything they can grab into their mouths. They will grow out of this stage eventually. Pets, however, will always have a tendency to try and eat things that may or may not be … Continue reading

Things to Know About Attachment Parenting

Do you practice attachment parenting? This type of parenting has become somewhat controversial. Those that practice it seem happy with it. Those that don’t often choose to share their opinion that this parenting style will somehow harm children (years later). Ultimately, it is up to each parent to decide what parenting style works best for them and their kids. Attachment Parenting is a parenting style that has eight principles to it. Each parent has a lot of leeway in how they interpret those principles and how they put them into action. Prepare for pregnancy, birth, and parenting – Parents remove … Continue reading

Positive Parenting Might be your Style

Parents today have a plethora of parenting styles to choose from. Have you figured out what your parenting style is yet? If not, then perhaps Positive Parenting might be your style. Positive Parenting is a style that is intended to lessen stress and form healthier relationships between parents and their children. It is not an authoritarian parenting style. Other phrases that have been used to describe Positive Parenting include: positive discipline, gentle guidance, or loving guidance. Physical punishment, such as spanking, is absolutely not a part of Positive Parenting. It isn’t about “teaching your child a lesson”. Instead, this parenting … Continue reading

Holy Flow Parenting – A New Style

What would you say if someone were to ask you what your parenting style was? There are some who would readily identify as a helicopter parent, or a “Tiger Mother”. Some parents would describe their style as authoritative, and others might say their style is traditional. What if you don’t feel like you fit into any of those boxes? Maybe your style is similar to Holy Flow parenting. Holy Flow parenting is a concept that appears to have been created by Brooke Hampton. You can learn more details about her parenting style, her family, and more on her blog Barefoot … Continue reading