Family Tree University Has a Virtual Genealogy Conference

Typically, a genealogy conference will take place in a building, hotel, or conference center that is large enough to accommodate the crowds. If you cannot travel out to where it is taking place, then you will miss it. It’s nice that Family Tree University is having a Virtual Genealogy Conference. This could make it much easier for people to check it out. Family Tree University is not an accredited college. It is the name of the “learning center” (for lack of a better term) for Family Tree Magazine. It is a great resource for genealogists who want to learn more … Continue reading

Disability Income Insurance Can Protect Your Family

Your paycheck is very important! Your family depends on it in order to pay bills, buy groceries, and have a comfortable life. If you, or your spouse, suddenly became unable to work, how would your family survive? One thing that can help is disability income insurance coverage. Did you know that May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month? Now is a good time to learn more about a type of insurance that many people know very little about. There are two types of disability insurance. One comes from the federal government, and the other is something that you can purchase through … Continue reading

How Does Your Home Feel

Spring cleaning is everyone’s favorite thing, right? Well, maybe not the cleaning itself but the end result is certainly one of my favorite things. There is nothing I like more than a clean house, I just wish I wasn’t the one who always had to do the cleaning. Our home is so much more than just the place we lay our heads at night, it is a reflection of who we are and how we live the rest of our lives. We all want a home that is peaceful, warm and brings us comfort. There are other things we want … Continue reading

Are Your Shoes Making Your Home Dirty?

Do you know how most dirt and contaminants get into your home? You carry them in on your shoes. Think about all the places you walk in a normal day. When you cross a street all the road dirt from car exhaust, oil, other leaking engine fluids and whatever is on peoples tires get on your shoes. Walking down the side walk you may walk through dog urine, dried vomit, spilled food and drinks, among other things. When you walk across grass you shoes pick up whatever pesticides and fertilizers were used to keep that grass green and lush. Then … Continue reading

Why Your Family Members Steal Ketchup Packets

Genealogists might notice that there are certain habits that seem to run in your family. Some of these things are learned, and some seem to have a genetic basis. Have you noticed that some of your relatives have a tendency to steal ketchup packets, or sugar packets, from restaurants? There could be several reasons why they do that. When you go to a restaurant with your family, you will notice that the restaurant has put out certain things that you can use without being charged for them. Often, this includes things like the little packets of sugar, (or sugar alternatives), … Continue reading

Planning as the Manager of Your Home

So we have been looking at how you are a manager of your home and in my last blog, I mentioned three important tasks that a manager has: planning, coordinating and organizing. I don’t know about you but I like how “official” this all sounds. It takes away from the feeling of “I’m just a housekeeper.” So now we are going to look into the importance of planning, as the manager of your home. There is a Bible verse that says, “Without a plan (or vision), the people perish.” Now obviously it is not a life or death situation, when … Continue reading

Tips for Making Your House a Home

Is your house really your home or just some shelter that keeps out the cold and gives you a private place to sleep? With the economic downturn, many people are rediscovering the joy of having a place to live that is a true home, cozy, warm, inviting, and a place of sanctuary. Here are some tips for turning your house into more of a home. Good cooking Forget take out or convenience foods. Forget the diet fads and just concentration on healthy meals. Relax in your home and get familiar with the kitchen. Nothing says home more than anything else … Continue reading

Will Your Child Be Adopting this Month?

Maybe I’m just a Scrooge about Black Friday. Usually I don’t even read the ads because I know I don’t want to deal with crowds. I’m firmly sold on online shopping. Last night I saw some ads, though, and was tempted—I didn’t know some things would be over sixty percent off! Maybe this gripe comes from my general dislike for shopping, but I’m a bit skeptical of dolls that come with adoption certificates. The idea of taking yhour child to a toy store, wandering the aisles, specifying the exact eye color you want and handing over your money in exchange … Continue reading

The Family That Plays, Potties, Drinks, Sleeps, and Heals Together Stays Together

Something life with Murphy has made me realize lately is that Wayne, me, and our fur kids are one tight knit clan. Which is sort of a remarkable thing in one respect. On the one hand, we’re a family made up of humans and animals. We’re not related by blood, but our bond is as strong as any blood bond could be. On the other hand, it’s hard to believe that just a little over a year ago we were a house divided. (Literally. Wayne was in Florida working a new job while I stayed behind trying to sell the … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: August 2008

Isn’t it crazy the way babies grow so quickly? It seems that you just get used to one stage and boom they are already into another. Tonight, were busy getting the household all set for my eldest child’s first day of second grade. My two younger ones are excited and want to start school, too. It will be a busy month. Don’t worry about the missing last week of blogs. I’ve gotten quite a few questions about where I have been. The Baby Blog tends to go on hiatus the last week of the month. That may change in the … Continue reading