New Mommy Must-Haves

When I try to think back on the first month of my daughter’s life, everything is a little hazy. It seems like all I did was hold her, feed her, change her diaper, and sleep. She was a relatively easy baby and slept pretty well from the get-go, but I still felt like I was in some sort of survival mode. Not only did I have a new baby to take care of, but also my poor body took a while to recover from a tough 30-hour labor. I don’t know how I would have made it through the first … Continue reading

The Best Parenting Advice Ever

What’s the best parenting advice you’ve ever received? Advice, tips and tricks started rolling in the minute I announced I was pregnant with my daughter. Everyone from my grandmother to my co-worker’s second cousin once removed to the cashier at the local Target store seemed to have some bit of useful child-rearing information they simply had to share. When I was seven months pregnant my friends from work threw me a huge baby shower complete with games, scrapbooking stations and live entertainment. As part of the shower festivities each guest was instructed to jot down her favorite piece of parenting … Continue reading

Giving and Taking Parenting Advice

Despite the fact that it may appear that I am in the “parenting business,” I really do not feel particularly comfortable offering up specific and heavy-handed parenting advice. Partly because of my writings on parenting and family life, and partly because I tend to always have a house full of kids and as older teens, they appear to have survived most of their childhood relatively unscathed—I do get approached for advice regularly. I also try to find my own mentors to ask for advice. But, it always seems like a bit of a slippery slope… The thing is—every child and … Continue reading

Thinking of the Other Parent as a Business Partner

One of the best morsels of advice I received when I was going through my divorce was to learn how to think of my ex-husband and my children’s partner as a co-parent or business partner in the task of raising our children. It freed me up to reorganize my thinking and focus on the fact that we would remain connected in the process of raising the children (even if on some levels, I would rather that weren’t the case). Thinking of the Ex as a “coworker” is a great way to create a functional working relationship while sharing in the … Continue reading

What Was the Best Parenting Advice You Ever Received?

I wrote a few weeks ago about learning from our own experiences as parents and looking back and deciding what we would and wouldn’t do if we had it to do all over again. This morning, I am thinking about advice–all that solicited and unsolicited advice we receive as parents. What was the best parenting advice YOU ever received? Since I’ve been at this a while, I’ve received all sorts of suggestions and advice, many of it really didn’t pertain to my kids, or my parenting style, or even life in the twenty-first century. Other advice, however, was applicable, helpful, … Continue reading

Do You Want an Advice Column Here?

I have a question for our readers here in the marriage blog. The question, of course, is the topic of this blog – would you like to see an advice column featured here in the Marriage Blog. We address a lot of different topics and we do our best to bring you the most current news and information on a variety of different subjects with regard to marriage and relationships. Advice is a dangerous business though because advice is based on our opinions and how we would handle things and our own experience with the different topics. But relationship advice … Continue reading