Name Calling

Choosing a name for your baby can be an interesting experience. Different couples have different ways of approaching the problem. Some try and come up with a list of names both like, or two lists of names and then whittle it down from there to names they both are happy with. To me this has always seemed a sensible approach and is what we did when naming our two children. But not all couples manage the situation this way. Recently I heard of a couple and the husband wanted a specific name which the wife hated. In the end the … Continue reading

Baby Names–How Many is Too Many?

Once upon a time parents gave their children a first, middle and last name and called it a day. These days kids are lucky if they get off with monikers that take less a day to pronounce. Case in point: the latest round of celebrity babies born to some of Hollywood’s biggest names. Last week acting duo Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O’Connell welcomed fraternal twin daughters into the world. The bitty babies were bestowed the following gigantic names: Dolly Rebecca Rose O’Connell and Charlie Tamara Tulip O’Connell. But, the O’Connell twins are not the only Tinseltown tots embracing the four-name … Continue reading

Velvet Ears, Golden Paws, Angel Butt

Do you have nicknames for your pet(s)? If so, just one or more than that? In Tabby, the Continuing Saga, I wrote about some of the nicknames I developed almost immediately for my stray girl. (Those have all now been incorporated into her unofficial full name: Lady Tabitha, Tabernathy, Tabberkins Pryor, but she’s also picked up Tabbins, Tab Tab, Little One, and Stinker Princess.) Mr. Meow also has his fair share: Gato Bato, Monkey Paws, Gorilla Arms, Crazy Cat, and the good old standby: Creepy Cat. Then there’s Murphy. He’s got a whole slew of them: Murph Man, Murphy Jones, … Continue reading

Using Pet Names In Your Relationship

Sweetie! Darling! Love! Boo-boo! Snookums! Shudder, guffaw and pass the insulin. There is nothing so sweet and compulsive as the first time your mate calls you a pet name. No matter how odd the nickname or how endearing it is, when your mate is comfortable enough with you to crown you with a nickname, it makes you feel special. It’s amazing what a little phrase of affection can do. Now there are simply some people who pass around endearments with the ease of how they smile. They are quick, warm platitudes that they give as willingly to someone they just … Continue reading

Juicy Hollywood Tidbits

It seems to be a slow week in Hollywood – the Anna Nicole stuff is finally grinding to a halt, no one has announce a pregnancy or divorce lately – even Britney is behaving herself! But I was able to find a few news items you may have missed: Talullah to Become Lulu I have always thought Bruce Willis and Demi Moore gave their daughters unusual names: Rumer, Scout LaRue, and Tallulah Belle. I believe Rumer was named after British novelist Rumer Godden, Scout was named after a character in To Kill a Mockingbird,” and I am not sure where … Continue reading