Tests, Treatments, and Nerves

In case I haven’t harped upon this enough in the last few days, I’m having an ultrasound this afternoon. And I’m a little nervous. Long story short: after my recent pelvic exam, my doctor suspects I have fibroids. I’m having an ultrasound today to confirm the diagnosis, so we can figure out a treatment plan. I’m glad to know that there’s a reason for my monthly misery — irregular periods, painful cramps, and other symptoms. I’m glad to know there is a wide variety of treatment options available. But I’m still nervous about the test. Let’s be honest: I get … Continue reading

When Anxiety and Nervousness Are Hard-Wired

Recently, one of my children was embarking on a scary, new endeavor. It was something pretty big and I asked, “Are you nervous?” My child answered with amazing honesty and candor, “Mother, I’ve been nervous since the second grade.” And, it is true. This is a child who is naturally prone to anxiety and nervousness—but over the years, has learned how to manage and have some self-awareness about how to deal with this natural personality tendency. I have met other parents of “anxious” kids and many of us started out trying to just MAKE our children get less anxious. But … Continue reading

Coping with an Argumentative Child

Some of us get lucky. We get one (or more) strong willed child who has all sorts of opinions and ideas about how things should be run in the world—and he or she might start at a surprisingly young age. It doesn’t matter whether you are in line at the grocery store, sitting in a church pew or the child is in class—he or she is quite eager and happy to take issue and argue with anyone and everyone. What is a parent to do? I think it can be helpful to remember that no personality trait or behavior is … Continue reading

“But I’ve Just Gotten Them Broken In!”

My son does not like change. His personality is such that he likes to keep things simple, comfortable and predictable. He likes some surprises, but he also likes routine. He is not someone I see as going out into the world and taking on all sorts of daring adventures and risks, he tends to really value good friends and family and it has been fun watching as he grows more and more into himself. HOWEVER, the downside is that his avoidance of change means getting him to get a new pair of shoes, a new coat, or even get his … Continue reading