Bath Time Battle

When my daughter was a newborn she loved to splash around in her baby bathtub. As she grew into a toddler, her love for bath time also flourished. When she advanced to a preschooler, you could barely drag the kid out of her watery playground complete with funny foam and special crayons that allowed her inner graffiti artist to shine. Then, she started first grade and bath time became a battle every.single. night. First grade was my daughter’s first year of full-day school and bath time meant the end of precious playtime and the beginning of the dreaded bedtime routine … Continue reading

Strange Potty Breaks

My 5-year-old is not big on using “strange” potties. And by strange I mean public. Automatic-flush toilets freak her out, and wouldn’t you know that nearly every public restroom we’ve ever had to use featured these high-tech commodes. Whereas I appreciate not having to see the remnants of a previous user’s bowels in a public toilet, clearly the designers of automatic-flush potties were not thinking of how scary it would be for a child to sit on a device that sounds as though it could suck them down whole if he or she takes too long going number one (or … Continue reading

Finding Me Time And Not Feeling Guilty About It

Anyone who’s a single parent knows it’s a full-time job and then some. You fulfill the role as maid, nurse, cook, disciplinarian, leader, handyman, psychologist, friend, confidant, teacher, and more. Combined with the fact that I homeschooled my kids and had a full-time job, so I could pay the bills, keep a roof over our heads, and clothes on our backs, it left no time for “me” time. Or so I thought. I went through two decades of setting myself aside so I could take care of the house, the kids and everything else that was crammed into my already … Continue reading

Reading Beauty Labels: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Laureth Sulfate

It’s funny how things filter into your brain. I remember hearing that either sodium lauryl sulfate OR sodium laureth sulfate was bad for you — but didn’t remember which one or why it was bad. Thanks, brain. Good to know you’re looking out for me! It turns out that in 1998, an email forward started circulating that claimed that sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) caused cancer. As with many email forwards, it was incorrect. Sodium lauryl sulfate is a surfactant (wetting agent) and detergent (cleaning agent) that is found in small amounts in many personal care products. It’s such a good … Continue reading

Preventing Bathtub Injuries

A fall can be dangerous at any age — from toddler to senior and everything in between. A recent study found that more than 43,000 children are injured in the bathtub every year in the United States. The bathtub can be a dangerous place. Other studies have looked at the risk of burns from hot water and drowning and near-drowning incidents. Now researchers from the Center for Injury Research and Policy (part of the Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio) are taking a look at slips and falls. Researchers looked at eighteen years of bathtub slip and … Continue reading

Parental No-No: Bedtime TV for Kids

My preschooler needs 12 hours of sleep per night… or we all pay for it. That said, it should come as no surprise that her bedtime routine gets underway no later than 6:30 p.m., to ensure that she’s in dreamland by 7:30 p.m. (8:30 p.m. if she’s had an afternoon nap). Dinner, bath, brush teeth, pajamas, bed—-the process has been ingrained in her since she was a baby, with one slight deviation. Up until about 18 months ago she was able to choose between watching “goodnight TV” (e.g. part of an animated movie or some kid’s program) and reading two … Continue reading

Family Time

The presents have all been opened and exclaimed over, the paper gathered up and thrown into the recycling bin. Two days ago, here was Boxing Day. Not for us the Boxing Day sales which in Sydney started ridiculously early at 5 and 6am. No, we did as many Australians do in the Christmas holidays; we gathered the family together and went to the beach. For us, the beach is ten minutes away. Mick and I were first in even though the water felt a little cold initially, but was only the first minute or so, then it become beautifully refreshing. … Continue reading

New Incentive to Get Parents to Walk Kids to School

What would it take for you to carve time out of your hectic schedule to walk your children to school? Granted, if you live 10 miles from your child’s kindergarten class, walking is simply not feasible. However, there are millions of families around the world who live within walking distance of schools yet they still opt to bypass this money-saving, environmentally practical option. That might soon change in places like England where the government is providing incentives to parents to spend more time with their children by walking them to school. According to news reports, walking children to school could … Continue reading

The Great Stroller Debate—-Preschool Edition

A couple of years ago I lamented about toddlers and strollers. Traveling with my then fickle 2-year-old was a challenge because I was constantly debating whether or not I should bring the stroller with us. It was always a toss-up as to whether she would ride in it or spend the day running circles around it. I thought about that blog the other day when I read a post by another blogging mom railing on Gwyneth Paltrow. Said blogging mom wrote an open letter to Paltrow chastising her for allowing her 4-year-old daughter Apple to ride in a stroller while … Continue reading

Parental Rewind

How many times have you wished that you could turn back the clock to avoid making poor parental decisions? I would guess that most parents have daily thoughts of rewinding their lives in an effort to overcome regrets, mistakes and missed opportunities, especially when they involve their children. Woulda, coulda, shoulda… don’t make it your mantra. Rather, take a look at the following topics that were covered in the PARENTS blog this week. The material could help you avoid wishing for that elusive parental do-over. November 3rd—–A Parent’s Favorite Day. We aren’t all afforded do-overs in life, but as parents … Continue reading