Great Gift Idea for Your Teen

I have a GREAT gift idea for your teen…earphones, but not just any kind of earphones. I am very impressed with a pair that I received free-of-charge. I was asked to provide a review on dB Logic earphones which are priced at $34.95. Let me tell you that they are worth the cost. In fact, I was so impressed with them that I plan on purchasing a couple of more for my other children. The biggest reason I like these earphones is because they actually protect your hearing while you listen. I cannot tell you the number of times I … Continue reading

Facebook: Invasion of Privacy?

A few months ago a friend of mine was telling me how she had her teenage daughter go through her list of Facebook friends and delete a number of them. You might assume she had to delete teenagers who were perhaps questionable in their online behavior. No, that wasn’t it. She had to delete a number of adults. You see, we attend a pretty large size church and there is a whole community of us that are Facebook friends with one another. In fact, the majority of my friends are from my church and that means I have both teenagers … Continue reading

Should Teens Be Banned from Trick or Treating?

So this weekend is Halloween. It is going to be a time of trick or treating for children of all ages. Well, not in all cities. Some cities have banned children over the age of 12 from participating. This comes with a lot of mixed emotions. The main reasoning behind this is due to fears that some single moms and senior citizens experience when they encounter a masked child that stands over them. Personally, I can see both sides of the issue. I don’t think the fear just rests with single moms and senior citizens. Let’s face it. Teens get … Continue reading

Teacher and Student Relationships: A Growing Problem?

I really feel a need to rant. I don’t know what others think but it seems to me that there has been a tremendous increase in the number of inappropriate incidences between teachers and students. In the past week I have heard of three separate cases where local teachers are being charged for having sexual relations with middle school or high school students. I can hardly believe that in just one week’s time there are three separate incidences in three separate school districts. What in the world is going on here? Last night I was watching my local news which … Continue reading

End of the Year Slump

Every year I notice a pattern, the end of the year slump. For my son’s first year of high school that meant his grades went down some. I am very thankful that although he is antsy about the school year ending, his grades remain good. I have come to notice something else though. It’s not just my children that get into the end of the year slump. I tend to do the same. I guess I get to that point where I am ready for it all to end—the early mornings, getting everyone up, chauffeuring, driving from one activity to … Continue reading

When Does Self Expression Go Too Far?

When has a teenager gone too far when it comes to self expression? Is it possible for a teenager to step over the line or should a teen be able to express themselves however they wish? These are questions I have been thinking about lately. Last Monday I treated my now 13-year-old daughter to a trip to the mall. I did a lot of reminiscing, particularly when we were sitting in the food court. I spent a good deal of time just observing the people around me. The mall is filled with teenagers. I remember hanging out there when I … Continue reading

Why I’m Happy to Submit to My Husband

Feminism might throw up its collective hands in horror at the word submission, but I’m happy to submit to my husband. Why? Because it is what the Bible commands Ephesians 5:22. And no, I don’t believe Paul was a male chauvinist who didn’t appreciate women and their ministry. Paul valued the contribution made by Phoebe, Romans 16:1-2, Priscilla along with her husband Aquila, Romans 16:3-5, and I Corinthians 16:19, Mary, Romans 16: 6 , Tryphena, Tryphosa and Persis, Romans 16:12, and others he mentions throughout his letters. Although Paul wrote the words in Ephesians 5:22, they are inspired by the … Continue reading

An Affair Doesn’t Mean “The End”

It may be hard to accept the idea that when your spouse has an affair, it doesn’t have to mean the marriage is over. For most men or women, betrayal is a bitter pill to swallow. It’s hard on the person who’s cheated on. It’s hard on the person who cheated. But it’s hardest on the marriage as the couple tries to recover who they were before the cheating. An affair doesn’t mean a marriage is over, but it does indelibly change the marriage. Complications Relationship experts cite over and over that affairs are not about the sex. The reasons … Continue reading

My Take on an Age-Old Question

My last blog discussed just a small portion of the research attempting to quantify the impact genes and environment have on intelligence and personality traits. As I researched this issue, I found myself feeling reassured, but not completely; encouraged, but cautiously; and frustrated, wondering if we’re even asking the right questions. How much do I.Q. tests really measure intelligence anyway? What about kids who have a language disability such that they misread or can’t respond to the test questions? What about musical, interpersonal and physical intelligences? We don’t presume that we have a test that precisely measures “Athletic Talent Quotient”. … Continue reading

Duma (2006)

One night while driving through a semi-colonized part of Africa, a boy named Xan and his father happen upon an orphaned cheetah kitten. Knowing he’ll never survive on his own, they take the kitten back home and raise it, along with other animals they’ve collected along the way. Soon Xan and the cheetah, Duma, are closer than brothers and the thought of returning Duma to the wild is too much to consider. However, if left tame much longer, Duma will lose all his instincts and will never be able to defend himself. Xan reluctantly agrees to help his father return … Continue reading