Using Cookies for Marketing

A few days ago, in my local newspaper, there was a feature story on a couple of Realtors who use fresh-baked cookies as part of their marketing efforts. They offer their own homemade cookies at open houses, workshops, and other job-related activities. Obviously, they are becoming as well known (if not more so) for their baking than their home selling capabilities. I couldn’t help but think this was a great way to set them apart in an otherwise competitive business! Years ago, when my son was in the second grade, he had his own brief home-based business baking and delivering … Continue reading

Baby Pancakes and Sandwich Faces

This article/blog is really more about parenting and bonding than it is about food. I’ve written before about how I’ve used cooking and food over the years as a way of connecting with my kids and giving us some sort of centralized, bonding experience as a family. A couple weekends ago, I was making the Sunday morning pancakes and one of my nearly grown kids sat down at the kitchen bar and asked if I wouldn’t make her a few baby pancakes too? It has been a couple years since one of them has requested what used to be standard … Continue reading

We Still Have Movies

My high school-age kids and I don’t have a whole lot in common anymore. It is becoming more and more difficult for us to find things we can do together that actually feel fun and easy and don’t take too much cajoling and work. One of the things we can still enjoy together is renting and watching movies. We may not all have the same taste, but chances are, plunking a movie in the DVD player can still cause a bit of a gathering in the living room… One of the great things about movies and teenagers is that talking … Continue reading

A Great Family Activity–Visiting Public Art

Looking for something to do with your family that won’t cost a thing? How about something that can appeal to people of all ages and interests? If you live in even a moderate-sized city, chances are there are plenty of opportunities to view and experience public art–this is a great way to get outside and get a little exercise and experience your town or city from a creative, artistic perspective! Many parks, universities, town squares, courthouses, museums, performing arts centers and other community properties have public art on display. This can be murals painted on the sides of building, sculptures, … Continue reading

Weekends: Family Time, Relaxation, Work or Homework?

The issue of what to do with your weekends as a family can get a bit controversial. For many of us, weekends tend to be two days of cramming in as much of everything we can’t or don’t get done during the week and we hit Monday morning more exhausted than we were on Friday evening! How is your family utilizing weekends? Is it used for relaxation, family time, chores, or homework?! I tend to find myself working through the weekends, but I do try to get in a little socializing as well. I notice with my kids that they … Continue reading

Teens, Health and Habits

I consider myself in pretty good company when I admit that I worry about the health of my three teenagers. As someone who put a great deal of time and energy into trying to help them develop positive eating habits, good self esteem and body image, and just general appreciation for healthy choices–surviving the teen years of seemingly poor choices and bad habits is a bit rocky. I’m trying to trust in this whole “growing up” process and believe that the healthy habits instilled in their earlier years will surface again once the adolescent binging of soda, pizza and other … Continue reading