Homeschooling Sick Children

As I have mentioned many times before, homeschoolers choose to do so for many different reasons. One unfortunate, but very common reason is because of a child’s delicate health. In many such cases, schools also agree that a sick child could be better taught at home, and even before homeschooling was legal, schools would facilitate such a private education. These days because of the overall popularity of homeschooling, it appears that some feel homeschoolers are lying about their children’s illnesses in order to homeschool without interferences. Never mind the fact that no-one needs “permission” to homeschool, there are still school … Continue reading

Everything is Harder when You’re Sick

Recently, I was standing in a crowd in public and a young mother with two children—a baby and a preschooler came trundling along. She was frustrated and losing patience as the preschooler whined and fussed and grumbled and she was just trying to get where she needed to go. She offered the child a drink and when he refused, she threatened to throw away the beverage which caused him to begin screaming and crying in earnest: “Well, drink it then and quit messing around!” she barked. More crying. While most of us were bracing ourselves for the high decibel temper … Continue reading

What to Do with Others when One Child Gets Sick

I have written occasionally about illness and the single parent because I do think that sickness in a single parent household can be a “bigger deal” than in one where there are two parents ready and available to help. When one child in a family of siblings get sick, it can also be tough figuring out how to make sure the healthy children get enough attention while tending to the ill one… I know that when my children were much younger, the healthy kids tended to act up and either try to get away with things, or do whatever they … Continue reading

When The Kids Are Sick with Different Illnesses

Sooner or later it happens—if you are parent to more than one child, eventually (and, perhaps, more often than you’d like) you are going to have to face the adventure of having them sick with different illnesses. Throw on top of that the fact that you might be feeling a little under the weather yourself and it can be hell! How can one (or two) parent(s) play nursemaid to an entire sick ward? I do not really know how we do it—those of us with multiple children have surely had to face having one with a cold, one with an … Continue reading

Some Kids Have Stronger Immune Systems

I was talking with a group of parents recently and we got on the subject of health and immune systems–I had forgotten how I used to fuss over such things when my kids were younger but now have grown very used to their different health styles and immunity levels. It certainly seems like some kids have a perpetual runny nose while others may seldom get sick at all. Instead of worrying, I think there are things that parents can do to understand and help kids develop stronger immune systems… It is fairly common knowledge now that breast-fed babies have a … Continue reading

Why Does it Work with One Child and Not Another?

Ah, the many mysteries of parenting! Do you ever feel like you have been plopped down in a foreign country without a guidebook, knowing the language, or understanding the currency? Then, just when we think we’ve got it figured out—we have learned a little something about how to manage and motivate one child, we discover that the techniques just don’t translate. Bummer! Why is it that what works with one child does not necessarily work with another? Why is it that everyone in a family has to be so darn different? I like to think of it like a documentary … Continue reading

Changing Pediatricians or Doctors

Maybe you have a fabulous pediatrician whom you love who is retiring, or you have changed health insurance plans and are being forced to change pediatricians, or your children have grown and you think a family doctor would be a better fit—there are myriad reasons why families need to change pediatricians or doctors—but that doesn’t make the process any less daunting. Here are some suggestions to help you through the process… First, don’t panic. You can take a little time to find someone you truly like and trust. Even if your insurance is changing and you’re feeling the pressure to … Continue reading