Children’ s Behavior Threatening a Marriage

‘Is your child’s behavior threatening to destroy your marriage?’ That was the question asked on the forum recently. Can a child’s behavior affect a marriage? Yes it certainly can. Often this is the case in blended families, where a child will be negative or outwardly antagonistic or hostile towards the stepparent and try and do all they can to interfere in the marriage relationship. But this is certainly not the only case it can occur. Children have the ability to work our very early on which one of the parents is easier to con or get around. As a result … Continue reading

Can We Get on the Same Time Clock, Please?

The more actual bodies that a household and family has, the tougher it is to get everyone on the same page–not to mention the same time clock! You might have thought it was hard enough when you were dating or first settling in with a partner or spouse (if you’ve got one)–adjusting to the other person’s style, mood, energy level, housekeeping standards, etc. Fast forward a few years and throw in a few children–and you’ve likely got individuals who are all headed in different directions and operating on very different time clocks. Now, while I don’t have a spouse or … Continue reading

Joiners and Loners

We all want what’s very best for our kids—we want them to grow and develop and experience life to the fullest. BUT, sometimes our own values about what that means might clash with our child’s temperament. We may think that an active social life is best while our child prefers to be alone or in one-on-one relationships. We might actually worry that if our child is too much of a loner, there are (or will be) big problems. It can go the other way too and a shyer, quiet parent might have a real hard time with a child who … Continue reading

What Are Your Biggest Parent-Child Battles?

Every child is different and every family is different. While we may assume that bedtime, food, sibling rivalry, or other “typical” conflicts abound in every family. That’s not necessarily the case. The fact that different personalities are at play, means different dynamics—and this means that what is a big battle in one household, may not even be a glitch in another. When do you find you have the biggest battles with your child? Is it over bedtime or getting up in the morning? Potty-training? Temper tantrums or fits? Do you have a picky eater or a particularly messy child? The … Continue reading

How Much of This is Personality?

We parents want to find a cause and effect for everything. In fact, most of the parenting books and magazine articles lead us to believe that we have far more power to control our child’s temperament and behavior choices than we probably do. One of the issues that seldom comes up in manuals and “how to” statements is allowing for differences in personality—for kids AND parents. Have you ever stopped to wonder just how much of what happens in your family is due to personality? One of the things that happens when you’ve been at parenting for a while and … Continue reading

Personalities in the Classroom

In a class of twenty children, there are bound to be all types of personalities. Some students are more outgoing, others are quiet, some are aggressive, and others are very passive. Some children tend to dominate wherever they go while other children are almost overlooked. As a teacher, it is very important to strive to create equality among the students. A good classroom has various learners and is not overflowing with one type of personality. However, it is sometimes easy to let dominate students control the activities and lessons. These students are always sitting with their hand up or yelling … Continue reading

Things That Drive Me Batty–Even Though I Know Better

My children aren’t changing for my sake. I get that. After all the struggles and years of trying to sway them to my way of thinking and acting, I know that they are pretty much going to be the marvelous original people that they are destined to be. And, while I get that in my head and brain, I don’t necessarily always appreciate it and I still let plenty of things they do bug me! One of my daughters is pretty darn slovenly. Now, I no longer take her blatant messiness personally as I did when she was much younger … Continue reading