Why It Is Getting Harder to Get Your Rebate

Do you know that 60 percent of rebates don’t get redeemed? While sometimes this is because people just don’t bother to send them in, there is an even bigger problem: rebates that don’t get fulfilled. I found this one out the hard way when a $75 rebate that I was promised never got fulfilled. And then when I finally did get my prepaid card, the card did not work. I was then told to reapply for the rebate, which of course by that time had expired. Despite putting in countless hours for this rebate, I still don’t have it. And, … Continue reading

Dollar Store Budget Busters

I love a good sale; however, to save money when buying discounted merchandise, you really have to exercise self-control. Lack of self-restraint is one of the biggest reasons many people overspend when they are shopping at a sale, or even a Dollar Store. Or in my case, especially a Dollar Store. I challenge anyone to walk into a Dollar Store with the intent to purchase a single item and not leave with a basket full of other junk. I fail every.single.time. Why is it that I can’t go into that store to buy one can of rug cleaner and leave … Continue reading

Diamonds Do Not Equal Love

When I first started at the Marriage Blog I mentioned my feelings on diamond commercials and promised to expound on them. Given that we see many such ads this time of year, it seems like an appropriate time to make my promised follow-up. I’m not a big jewelry person so diamonds never appealed to me. That wouldn’t really be a big deal, except that for my entire life I’ve been inundated by ads and assumptions telling me the opposite. “So what?” you might wonder. Well, the media can have a much more powerful effect, subtle though it might be, on … Continue reading

Why Part 4

After we decided that Christmas Eve with my in laws was getting us home too late for our traditions we asked my mother in law to move the time up and maybe do a brunch. Everyone is off on Christmas Eve so it seemed like a good compromise but it was not good for them. It seemed like every alternative we came up with just would not work so we just stopped going on Christmas Eve even every other year. WE started asking my in laws for a date that we could get together with them and do Christmas and … Continue reading

Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom

From a possible old French Disney card-based rpg? Of all the special events held at Disney World, two have stood out as the most appealing to me: the Epcot Food & Wine Festival, and scavenger hunts throughout the parks. The latter is for D23 members only, which is just another reason why I might want in the fan club. Now Walt Disney World is taking that whole scavenger hunt concept one step further, with its new role-playing game Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom, announced on the official Parks blog at the beginning of September. The game, kicking off in early … Continue reading

Indoor Air Pollution

I try to be really green with the things I use in my home, like cleaners and air fresheners. The main reason for this is Hailey’s asthma, I try not to subject her to additional chemicals and pollutants. Even though I never use chemicals in my home, the air in your home can be up to 100 times more polluted than the air outside, that’s a little scary considering home is where you spend most of your time. I thought I was doing all the right things, no one smokes in my home, I use vinegar and baking soda to … Continue reading

The Atkins Diet – I’m Doing It Wrong!

When I started doing the Atkins diet, I jumped in with both feet. My interest in losing weight, as quickly as it was safe to do it, was a big focus. I never actually read the Atkins book. Since then, I have skimmed over some of it. It turns out that I am not doing this diet exactly right. Once I commit to a particular goal, I give it everything I’ve got. While I sometimes do a little bit of research before I make the decision to embark on a potentially life changing journey, this is not often the case. … Continue reading

Why Bother Getting Out of Debt?

“Why should I bother getting out of debt?” is a question I got asked recently. The person I was talking to followed it up with, “I can pay my bills each month, so what does it matter if I have debt or my house isn’t paid off? Why should I live like I’m poor if I don’t have to?” “Ah-ha,” I thought at that last statement. “Why should I live like I’m poor..” The thing is, that when we are in debt, we are living as though we are poor, although it might not be obvious. We are telling the … Continue reading

Is Inter-Racial Adoption ok?

My husband and I were put in for adoption of two brothers, one Caucasian and one biracial Caucasian/African American. When we started to adopt we were open to any race of children, color definitely was not an issue. When the state was trying to decide who these children should be adopted by it was between us and a single African American woman. Would you be surprised that the single woman only wanted to adopt the bi-racial child? We never would have even considered splitting up biological siblings so why would this woman? I cannot say what was in her heart … Continue reading

Why Bother Being a Homemaker?

When I’ve muttered about going back to work full time, they’ve been very vague mutterings. Recently my husband said that he thought it was a spectacularly bad idea. I tend to agree. Homemaking is a lost art. I live in a place where the cost of living is very high. It’s not as high as a few places in the world, but it’s high enough to make it quite difficult to get by on one income, depending on what that income might be. The truth is, I work part time at a day job and part time on contracts, making … Continue reading