Letting Go

If you’ve ever walked into your child’s room and thought she must belong to someone else, you are not alone. Hailey’s room has been a disaster since she was about ten, before that I cleaned it every day. I can’t count how many times I’ve said- you can’t to (whatever) until that room is clean. Ten minutes later she comes out and tells me it’s clean. I go look, it’s neater but now everything is just piled. Why doesn’t she put things away? Why doesn’t she clean off the top of her dresser? Why doesn’t she carry her drink glasses … Continue reading

Perfect Time to Freshen Your Teen’s Room Decor

(cc) image by flickr member Posh Living LLC I love this time of year! The is the best time to decorate your teens, and your pre-teens bedrooms. What makes this time of year so special? All of the Back to school i.e. back to college gear is in the stores. For the past 6 months or so we have been looking to create a window seat area in my daughter’s room for reading and getting some sun. We didn’t want to do a built in window seat because young girls are so fickle and will want to re-organize the room … Continue reading

Privacy, Teens and Parents—Part One

Privacy is a big deal with adolescents. As a matter of fact, I think that for parents, negotiating around privacy issues can be a make or break situation that sets the stage for the adolescent years overall. I know this might seem like I am being overly melodramatic, but I really do think that when it comes to privacy and boundaries, how parents handle this with a teenager can have a big impact. While I do not think there is one way to go about this business of parenting (as I have stated before), I think as parents we need … Continue reading

Leaving a Trail

Call it a trail of tears or a trail of crumbs, but whatever it is—I have spent nearly twenty years following that trail of STUFF that kids leave as they move from one end of the house to the other—shoes, balled up wads of dirty socks, book bags, papers, sweatshirts, dishes, pencils, cd cases and game cartons—you name it; whatever any one of my kids might have in their hands one moment, will surely be left by the wayside as the move from point A to point B… When the kids were younger, I used to keep a basket at … Continue reading

Who Cleans a Child’s Room?

So many details and realities of family life are up for debate—constant debate. Who cleans a child’s room is one of those controversial topics which, if you got ten different parents in a room together, you would likely have ten different opinions (or at least three or four different camps of opinions.) So, how does it work in your household? Some families let children have complete domain over their own rooms. This means that Mom and Dad just shut the door and leave the child to keep it clean—or not—depending on his or her own personal taste and style. In … Continue reading

A Messy Nature

Why is it that some children are just messier than others? Is it some genetic trait that they are just born with? Do some children just naturally leave a trail of messes wherever they go? The answer of course is YES! Some children truly are born with that inquisitive and messy gene. They are curious about everything. As a result they get into everything. My youngest is one of those naturally curious children. Before she could even walk she was off and exploring. She would get into everything that was at her level. Starting when she was about eight months … Continue reading

Top 10 Reasons You Should Let Your Child Have A Messy Room

1. It can enhance your child’s balance and coordination skills. As they have to weave around the objects on their floor, leap into bed, and scale the mound of clothes without slipping. 2. Memory skills are improved. As your child struggles to remember where they left their library book, under the bed or maybe on the desk, they are working their memory. After all doesn’t every parent want his or her child to develop a good memory? 3. Handyperson skills are developed. As they learn the fine art of unjamming a drawer that is stuffed too full of clothes. This … Continue reading

Combating A Messy Room

In a previous blog, I discussed why teens have a messy room and why it is important that they be allowed some independence in this area. For as Dr. Michelle Aycock reminds parents a teen’s room “is an expression of their personality. It is their sanctuary and it is not your responsibility to clean it.” But you can establish certain rules that govern the untidiness of their bedroom and expect them to abide by these rules. Here are some simple bedroom rules that you can establish: 1. There have to be clear paths in the room where a person can … Continue reading

Why Does Your Teen Have a Messy Room?

Have you ever walked into your child’s room and thought, “What happened in here?” If so you are not alone. Most parents at some point will be faced with a child who has a very messy room. So why does you sweet child who used to agreeably clean up the messes that they made now refuse to remove the piles of junk that litter their bedroom floor? Believe it or not the messy room is actually a reflection of your child’s development and personality. Many preteens and teens start collecting things that reflect who they are. For example you might … Continue reading