Why You May Pay Dearly For Being a “Cool” Parent

Prom season is in full swing and graduation festivities are not far behind.  If all the pomp and circumstance has prompted you to honor your kid’s wish to turn your home into party central, you might want to consider what it’ll cost you. Forget about the bill for the food, beverages and decorations; rather, focus on how you may pay dearly if you aren’t familiar with social host ordinances. A “social host” is anyone who knowingly allows underage drinking to take place on property that he or she owns, leases or otherwise controls.  This is not to be confused with … Continue reading

Why Credit Card Spending Doesn’t Feel Real

It is true. Spending cash is painful to us, while using a credit card doesn’t quite feel real. Oh sure, logically we know that we are spending the money on that new television, iPad or boots, but there is a well-documented disconnect in our brains that makes it much easier to spend when we do it with a credit card. Think I might be wrong? The average household credit card debt through the end of 2012 was $15,422. The average cash debt? That is $0, of course. With cash, you don’t want spend what you don’t have. So why does … Continue reading

Why Your Toddler Asks “Why?”

Over the past couple of days, I have come to realize that it is payback time for something that I did to my parents when I was a little girl. Why? That’s exactly it. Why. The word why, to be exact. I can distinctly remember countless times when, as a child, I asked my parents “why”. I used to be one of those kids. Dylan has always been a curious little guy. Within the past couple of days he has discovered a new way to express his curiosity – asking “why”. For example, as we were getting ready for bed … Continue reading

Should Children and Teens Be Forced to Attend Church?

If you are a church-going family, the odds are high that at some point you may deal with having a child who is no longer interested in attending. This can especially become a challenge when children reach their teenage years. So how do you handle that? Should you force your child or teen to go to church? Well there are two sides of logic when it comes to this issue. There is the side that believes forcing a teen to attend church will only turn them off more. Forcing an issue can sometimes make them more resistant. There is the … Continue reading

Why We Canceled Our Health Insurance

After fighting so hard to find affordable health insurance, we ended up canceling it. This may sound crazy, but I can explain. The short answer is that the insurance policy wasn’t anywhere near as “affordable” as it first appeared to be. When my husband and I first started trying to find health insurance, it was for specific reasons. We had concerns that if something serious happened to either one of us, that we would end up losing our home. The fear was that the medical bills that would come from having cancer, or from recovering from a serious injury, would … Continue reading

Why People Gain Weight After Stopping Atkins

After being on the Atkins diet for most of the Summer, I am at the point where I am seriously considering quitting it. One cannot stay on a diet forever. The problem is that I have heard that people tend to gain their weight right back after quitting the Atkins diet. Why does that happen? Dieting is not easy. It requires people to dramatically change their eating habits. Most people resist change, even if they know that it will benefit them. Dieting forces people to think about each and every food that they are considering eating, which can be quite … Continue reading

Why I Chose the Atkins Diet

There are tons of diets to choose from, if you are interested in losing some weight. After thinking things over, I decided to try the Atkins diet. My reasons for doing so may not match anyone else’s reasons for making the same choice. I have never been on a diet before in my entire life, so this will be an adventure. Why did I choose Atkins? The most obvious reason is because I wanted to lose some weight. My sister is getting married this year, and has asked me to be a bridesmaid. This is not something I have ever … Continue reading

I’m The Mom, That’s Why.

Some days are not my favorite. I absolutely hate punishing my daughter. The house feels like a war zone when it is just the two of us and she is not speaking to me because I’m not being fair. Sometimes I have no choice but to punish her, take away privileges, ground her from something fun. That is when I become the meanest mother in the world. I am constantly second guessing myself.  Was I too hard on her? Did I overreact? Is this just a normal stage and not something I need to head off at the pass? It … Continue reading

Forced to Pay for School Lunches

A new trend seems to be emerging. Some schools are now banning lunches made at home and are requiring kids to buy lunch at the school. The reasoning behind the decision is stated as a need for kids to eat healthier lunches, but is it just a ploy to get you to spend? First, let us tackle the financial aspect of it. I really don’t think that this is not, yes, not, a new revenue stream for most schools. School lunches are subsidized by the government, event the ones that parents pay for. A standard lunch usually costs a student … Continue reading

Why Flying Can Make You Sick

I just got off of a 12-hour flight from Hawaii and I am just waiting for my temperature to spike and my lunch to make a return appearance in the toilet bowl. According to a news report, I am a prime target for contracting a travel-related illness thanks in large part to the amount of time I spent at 35,000 feet. For starters, I should have brought my own water on board the flight to avoid having to drink the airline’s version. Bad, bad move. Health experts maintain that airplane water is laced with E. coli. Okay, maybe “laced” is … Continue reading