Worry, Control and Judging

What are the three things that can plaque a mother? It is worry, control and judging. And I would guess these are common issues for most mothers. It doesn’t matter what stage of life you are in, they can swoop in and overtake you. Why do we worry? Sometimes it is out of genuine concern. But other times our worry is based on a lack of trust or that everything won’t turn out exactly the way we think it should. Worry can keep us up at night. It has for me. It can consume you so much that you can’t … Continue reading

Don’t Judge My Choices Until You Live My Life

Is there anyone who hasn’t heard about the horrific shooting in Colorado? Friday at work it was all anyone could talk about and as fellow blogger pointed out in her blog, Watch Where You Point That Finger, everyone had an opinion about people taking their children to the movies in the first place. Apparently those people have never been single parents. Or maybe they’ve never been any type of parent but I know, as a single parent, sometimes, midnight showings are your best friend. If your kids are young, you hope they will sleep through the movie. As a single … Continue reading

Listen To Me, I Know What I’m Talking About

I have a confession, I’ve become a bit of a control freak. Ask anyone about the bad parts of single parenting and they will rattle off the list, finances, dealing with your ex, no down time, never getting a break, doing everything alone, and on and on. This is a list we all know too well but recently I discovered there is a side effect of single parenting that no one told me about- becoming a little controlling. I was wondering why I was always right and other people were doing everything wrong, now I know! I’ve become very set … Continue reading

Kids With ADHD Have Problems Crossing the Road

Parents of children who have ADHD may want to think twice about letting their child walk to or from school without being accompanied by a parent in the new school year. A study shows that kids who have ADHD are not very good at safely crossing the street. In general, they tend to misjudge how much time it will take for them to cross without being hit by an oncoming vehicle. ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, includes symptoms that would make it more difficult for a child to stay safe in many situations. One very noticeable symptom is an … Continue reading

Try Not to Pre-Judge Your Child’s Friends

Pre-judging and judgment in general is a weakness of mine. I am not proud of it, but I do know that I have to work hard not to pass judgment, come up with preconceived ideas and notions about people and things and I have found that in parenting, this is really something I’ve had to work on. Now that my children are teenagers, they call me on it, but, even with all the work I do, I still have a hard time not making judgment calls about my children’s friends. The problem with pre-judging our kids’ friends before we get … Continue reading