Things to Know About the Measles Outbreak

If you’ve spent any time at all on Facebook or Twitter lately, you’ve undoubtedly come across a multitude of people talking about measles. Some people are more tactful about sharing their views about vaccinations than others. No matter what your personal viewpoint happens to be, there are some things you should know about the measles outbreak. There is a measles outbreak going on. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that there were at least 102 reported cases of measles in 14 states as of February 1, 2015. CDC Director Tom Frieden warns that the United States could see a … Continue reading

What to Do After a Parking Lot Accident

We are now in what I think of as “the crazy season”. People are shopping for Christmas gifts, parking lots are fuller than usual, and drivers are stressed out and making impulsive driving decisions. There is potential that you could be involved in a car accident that takes place in a parking lot. Here are some tips about what to do (and what not to do) after the unfortunate happens. Oops! You weren’t paying attention and you backed your car out of the parking space and into someone else’s vehicle. What are you supposed to do now? State Farm has … Continue reading

Evertalk has a New iPhone App

Evertalk is a company that will let you create a living tribute or a memorial website for a family member on Facebook. It can also be used for fundraising campaigns. Or, you can use the Evertalk website, instead. There now is an Evertalk iPhone app that you can use to access Evertalk pages. It is becoming more and more common for people to create an online memorial for their loved ones who have passed away. This is often done in addition to the traditional obituary that is printed in the local newspaper. Today, genealogists dig through old newspapers in order … Continue reading

Deals at Kohl’s, Barnes & Noble, Best Buy, and More!

Fall sales are still going on. Some of them are starting to merge into the holiday sales. Whether you need to pick up a few more “Back-To-School” clothes, or you are ready to start shopping for Christmas gifts, these are the sales for you! Kohl’s has a way for you to save an extra 10% on your next online order. Sign up for Kohl’s Mobile Sale Alerts. Once you do, Kohl’s will text you a code that you can use to save on your next purchase. To sign up, text SAVE07 to KOHLS (56457). Kohl’s has a program called “Kohl’s … Continue reading

Pretty Baby

What parent out there doesn’t think her baby is the cutest thing gracing the face of the planet? What’s more, even if your infant is not-so pretty, you’re probably not going to hear it from friends or family members. Remember the Seinfeld episode where Jerry and Elaine try to keep the vomit in their mouths after catching sight of their friend Carol’s hideous-looking baby? No one tells a parent her child is ugly. Of course, the enabling has its limits. For example, if you think your baby is all that and decide to enter him or her into the cut-throat … Continue reading

Preschool Craft: Foot Loop Abacus

I love the preschool years because everything is colorful and creative. I have found so many uses for Foot Loops for preschool lessons that I could write a series on the subject. Recently, I had a reader of my personal blog send me the cutest craft idea that involved cereal and math. Of course that got my attention. I already use colored O-cereal as math manipulatives so this would fit in just fine. This is a fun way to encourage math skills in little ones. Foot Loop Abacus What You Need: Small, sturdy shoe box O-shaped cereal in assorted colors … Continue reading

Humility Starts at Home

When was the last time you asked for help? For some parents, putting pride aside to ask for or simply accept help is out of the question. What kind of message does this send the children of these moms and dads? Regardless of how much you may despise humbling yourself, the fact is everyone needs help at some point in their lives, be it financial, physical or emotional. No one is perfect; and asking for or accepting assistance doesn’t make you a loser. It’s a lesson a college student from New Jersey is trying to teach kids and their parents, … Continue reading

Coupons for Kellogg’s, Pillsbury, and Spam

One of the things I like about is that they send me email that is conveniently filled with links to coupons. It is nice to be able to see, at a glance, exactly what new coupons they are featuring this week. This is a timesaver that I think all coupon-clippers will appreciate! Here are the coupons that is featuring this week. There was a time, not too long ago, when you couldn’t access coupons from Kellogg’s from All of a sudden, the coupons from Kellogg’s had the “clip” function disabled, which meant that you couldn’t print them … Continue reading

Renters Insurance Replaces Items After Fire

If you are renting then it is a very good idea to purchase renters insurance. Your landlord’s insurance policies will not cover the replacement of your stuff if a fire occurs. This could leave you with absolutely nothing, and no financial assistance to replace it. Unfortunately, this sad situation happens all the time. Renters insurance coverage provides people with some financial protection in case something bad happens. For example, if a fire burns down your apartment building, it is your renters insurance policy that will help you to replace some of your damaged property. If someone breaks into your apartment, … Continue reading

Disney Characters in North Korea

The kind of thing Disney’s after This is a story too bizarre not to report: on Monday July 9 Mickey Mouse, along with other Disney characters, appeared on North Korean television with the country’s new leader, Kim Jong-Un (son of Kim Jong-Il). No, Disney is not sending representatives to the isolationist country. These were images of Walt Disney Company characters used without permission. The use presents some interesting questions that reflect upon Disney’s own corporate policy. The New York Times’ Media Decoder explains. You see, Disney is very strict about unauthorized use of its properties. The company complained to Mexican … Continue reading