Trust Issues in Your Home Business—Part Two

Earlier today I wrote about how our own trust issues can have a definite impact on how we work in our home businesses. We are not the only ones who might be wrestling with trust stuff, however. Our customers and clients bring their trust issues to the table when they work with us and it can influence how well we are able to work together. There are things we can do to help to ease the tension and help our customers and clients learn to trust us. In the first place, it might be tough to identify what is a … Continue reading

Trust Issues in Your Home Business—Part One

When we think of “trust issues” many of us think of our personal relationships—those we have with a partner or spouse, children, or friends and family. Trust issues can also affect our home business operations, however, whether they are issues that we have or ones that are coming toward us from our customers and clients. Writing and talking about trust issues can be sticky. After all, many of us do not even realize what we are wrestling with. We may think we are just being “smart” or preparing ourselves for the inevitable. If we are constantly assuming that our customers … Continue reading

Wrestling With Fears in Single Parenting

Dealing with worries and fears is definitely not a challenge that is unique to single parents. But, I do think that we have some particular fears and stressors that are associated with the realities of being a single parent that can take some special care to work through and cope with. Single parents might have fears that they will not be able to adequately support their child or children, or worry about what will happen to the child if they become ill or injured (or die). Depending on the divorce situation, custody issues and safety may also be a consideration. … Continue reading

Wrestling With Trust

Teenagers and trust issues just seem to go hand in hand. I remember my own teenage years and barking at my parents about why they didn’t “just trust me?” and having them confess again and again that I was not being a trustworthy person. Of course, the conversations and arguments were much more ragged than that, but I’m sure you can relate. Now, with my own teens, we definitely come up against the trust issues on a fairly regular basis. There’s an ongoing dilemma that parents face when it comes to teens and trust–do we trust and hope for the … Continue reading

Worrying Doesn’t Help

I know this is a cliché, after all, how many times have you been told to stop worrying because worrying does not help the situation? We’ve all heard it a thousand times and yet, many of us find ourselves right back here in the pit of worry. As a parent, particularly, it can be tough to break the worry habit. I am learning, however, that there are some constructive things I can do when I start to feel myself wrestling with worry… Here what happens when I get into a state of worry—not only do I give into feeling stress … Continue reading

Why Didn’t I Think of That?

I was talking with another parent a while back and she was sharing some of her current challenges and concerns, I offered a word or two of advice–not really advice, but I shared how I had experienced some similar issues with my own children and what I had done about it. Her response was one I’ve had hundreds of times, and often while reading comments and blogs on this site, “Why didn’t I think of that?!” Often we just need a little nudging or an idea or two to get our own creative problem-solving juices going. What seemed like the … Continue reading

Jealousy and the Single Parent

Oh jealousy…that little green monster that can do so much damage! As a single parent, we might have more than our fair share of opportunities to wrestle with jealousy—and when we give into jealousy, it seldom turns out well! We might be jealous of our ex, or our child’s other parent; we might feel jealous of friends or family members who seem to have it better than us; an ex’s new partner; a coworker or the neighbor across the street. There are ample ordinary life situations that might be exacerbated by the fact that we have been through the crisis … Continue reading

Strong Enough to Withstand Judgment

As a single parent, I admit that I do sometimes feel judged–judged by teachers, by my children’s father and his new partner, by other people, and certainly by my own children. The truth is, however, as long as I am doing the best that I can, I also need to learn how to be strong enough to withstand the judgment and be true to myself regardless… I know that for many of us this is easier said than done. I admit that it irks me when I hear that my parenting is being questioned and picked apart by my kids’ … Continue reading

Allowing Yourself to Be Comforted

Okay, so single parents are tough—at least many of us like to think that we are. But does this mean that we have to be stoic and tough all of the time? If we get sad, depressed, lonely, or frustrated, does this mean that we are weak or “less” of a parent? For some of us, learning how to let others help and comfort us can be a big personal challenge… Comfort can come in the most unsuspecting places, but we do have to open ourselves up and let ourselves feel and appreciate that comfort. Now, I am not talking … Continue reading

Murphy’s Surprise Visitor

Back in the middle of September, Murphy got a big treat: a visit from his Aunt Karen and Uncle Michael, who are the parents of his best friend, Tucker. Karen and Michael are pet photographers and were on their way up to Indianapolis for their yearly fall shoot. I knew they were planning on making a stop here then, so of course I passed that on to Murph. By the time they pulled in he was waiting anxiously at the door. But Karen emailed me this past Tuesday morning and said they were heading back to Jax that day and … Continue reading