Obama Cut Funding for Abstinence-Only Sex Ed

President Obama has eliminated all government funding for abstinence-only sex education programs in public schools. Research shows that abstinence-only-until-marriage programs are ineffective and that they negatively impact young people’s health. Abstinence-only sex ed programs, and abstinence-until-marriage programs, are an extremely limited version of sexual education. These types of programs emphasize that young people should not have sexual intercourse until after they are married. Abstinence based sexual education programs rarely include information about anatomy, puberty, sexual health, and sexual orientation. These programs are favored by some Christian religious groups and by Republican lawmakers. Research shows that abstinence-only sexual education programs are … Continue reading

Teaching Preschoolers How to Breastfeed

My jaw just about dropped. I was watching my local news in the morning and they featured this new doll called, “The Breast Milk Baby.” Yes, it is exactly what you think it is. It is a doll that breastfeeds. The website for this doll features a video that demonstrates how it works. You see this little girl holding the doll up to her chest. The little girl is wearing this cloth halter (which comes with the baby) that has two big flowers where your, well, the nipples would be. The baby actually makes a suckling noise. So what is … Continue reading

Yes, I Teach My Teens Abstinence

Despite all of the sex education being taught in school, the condoms that are being made available on some high school campuses and the trend of “friends with benefits,” I have chosen to, yes, teach my teens abstinence. Abstinence teaching is not given much thought. If it is taught in sex education it is more likely a topic that is quickly glossed over. Not much attention is given to that concept because we seem so sure that every teenager in America is going to have sex whether we like it or not. My personal thought on that is we have … Continue reading

MTV Show “Skins” Has Gone Too Far

If you aren’t familiar with the Parents Television Council (PTC), it is an advocacy group in the United States that educates parents on the content of television programs. While some may think the PTC infringes on the right to freedom of speech there have been instances where I have to applaud them. The most recent is what they describe as the “most urgent alert” they have ever passed along to parents. It’s regarding an MTV program called “Skins.” Now I will admit that in passing I have heard reports about this show on various media outlets. I haven’t paid much … Continue reading

Teen Dating: When Your Teen Is Ready

So you have decided that your teen is finally ready to start dating. Now what? Do you just let them loose and wish them luck? Not likely. While it may appear to be a time that you have lost all control, this is the time where your parenting can really shine through. First of all, remember that you have been an example to your teen. If you feel that your example has been less than stellar it is never too late to change. Think about the way you treat your spouse or significant other. What type of respect, or lack … Continue reading

Siblings that Don’t Get Along

This weekend was our annual trip to “Camp Tranquility.” Camp Tranquility is the name of the property that my dad and stepmom own. Their land is deep in the heart of the woods and right beside a river. It truly is a place of peace and tranquility. For my children and their cousins it’s a time of fun. They were in the river for hours, chasing each other and flinging mud. It was one of those few moments I get to enjoy all three of my children really getting along with one another. If there is one thing I would … Continue reading